Course Grades
Tests & Quizzes: Test dates are announced in advance. There will be frequent quizzes. Quizzes may not be announced in advance – expect one every day.
Assignments: There will be frequent written assignments. Expect all assignments to be collected and graded.
Lab Notebook: Lab instructions are given in the form of a handout sheet, verbally, or both. Lab instructions, equipment configuration, information, and data MUST be collected in this book. Each page should clearly identify the experiment, date, and your lab partners at that time.
Lab Reports: Lab reports are due at the completion of each experiment. Please see the section on lab reports for more information.

1. Textbook (bring to class daily).
2. 3’’ 3-ring binder (“D” ring preferred) to hold assignments, schedules, homework, quizzes, handouts, lab reports, reference tables, formula sheets, etc. Keep this organized using tab dividers (bring to class daily).
3. Bound composition notebook to use as a lab book (bring to class daily).
4. Supply of standard-size, 8.5″ x 11″ notebook paper (bring to class daily).
5. Supply of #2 pencils, pens, writing materials (bring to class daily).
6. Approved graphing calculator.
7. Eraser (for tests & quizzes)

How to Succeed
Read the book. Learn the vocabulary and symbols. Understand the usage of, and memorize each new formula. Review constantly. Take good notes during each class. Keep up with the assignments! Remember that the goal of an assignment is to understand the material – not just get the problems done! Become as self-sufficient as possible.


1. Students are to be in their seats, WITH BOOKS OPEN, READY TO WORK, WHEN THE TARDY BELL RINGS.
2. If you enter the classroom anytime after the tardy bell, you will be marked late accordingly.
3. You are expected to attend class everyday. Unexcused absences will affect your grade.
4. If an absence is EXCUSED, this only gives you the right/privilege to make up the work-YOU ARE NOT EXCUSED FROM THE WORK ITSELF.
5. Penalties for unexcused absences are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.


1. Remain seated unless given permission to stand up.
2. At the end of the class period, you are to remain in your seats, and will be dismissed by the instructor after the ringing of the bell. Remember, you are not dismissed by the bell, but by the instructor.
3. No gum chewing, eating or drinking of any kind is permitted.
4. The classroom is not a grooming parlor. If you are caught, you will be warned. After that, all combs, brushes, makeup, etc. will be confiscated.
5. Be aware of the student’s dress code. Violators will be sent to the office for disciplinary action.
6. Rude behavior of any kind will not be tolerated or accepted. Use of profanity will not be tolerated.
7. Cell Phones and other unauthorized electronic devices are not permitted in the classroom and cannot be used in place of calculators.


1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
2. Work quietly and do not disturb other students.
3. You are required to bring with you to class everyday, your own pen, pencil, notebook (INCLUDING PAPER), textbook etc. These materials should be with you when you enter the classroom.
4. With the exception of drawings, tests, and quizzes, all assignments are to be written in BLUE OR BLACK INK.
5. All assignments are due on the date specified. All assignments are due the first five minutes of class.
6. If you fail to take any test, quizzes etc., the grades for each of these assignments will be converted to zero.
7. If you miss a Quiz/Test, make-up will be given on the day you return to school or by appointment.
9. Pop quizzes may be given on any class date.


D. LAB SAFETY RULES (see the safety contract and video for more information)
1. Follow directions. Come to lab prepared to perform the experiment. Follow all written and verbal instructions.
2. Absolutely no horseplay. Be alert and attentive at all times.
3. Report all accidents, injuries or breakage to the instructor immediately.
4. Also, report any equipment that you suspect is malfunctioning.
5. Dress appropriately. Avoid wearing overly-bulky or loose-fitting clothing, or dangling jewelry that may become entangled in your experimental apparatus. Pin or tie back long hair and roll up loose sleeves.
6. Use goggles: When heating anything; When using any type of projectile; When instructed to do so.
7. Use equipment with care and for the purpose for which it is intended.
8. Do not perform unauthorized experiments.
9. Be careful working with apparatus that may be hot. If you must pick it up, use tongs, or an appropriate holder.
10. If a thermometer breaks, inform the instructor immediately. Do not touch the broken glass or the mercury.
11. Ask the instructor to check all electrical circuits before you turn on the power.
12. When working with electrical circuits, be sure the current is turned off, before making adjustments in the circuit.
13. Do not connect the terminals of a battery or power supply to each other with a wire. Such a wire will become dangerously hot.
14. Return all equipment, clean and in good condition, to the designated location at the end of the lab period.
15. Leave your lab area cleaner than you found it.


E. Your grade is computed on the following scale:
90%-100% = A
80%-89% = B
70%-79% = C
60%-69% = D
69%-BELOW = F